Good internal controls and best practices require the documentation and reconciliation of biweekly and
monthly payroll to ensure compliance with University and College policy. EHE payroll policy and
procedures have been reviewed and preventative measures identified that establish best practices and
to ensure accurate data entry, fiscal oversight and policy compliance.
Run, review and distribute recommended workday reports as outlined by the Office of Business and
Finance website. “Units are responsible for understanding the unique needs and financial risks of their
unit and to design comprehensive financial review and analysis procedures”. The key activities
recommended for timely review are exceptions, financial analysis, and reconciliation.
EHE OBFS will use the following workday reports to guide this process.
The reports will be stored by month on the OFBS SharePoint folder. A checklist referencing each
validation point will be completed each month by employees validating data compliance. Transactions
that are identified as outside of policy or EHE Best Practices, will be escalated to CAO and HRBP via the
EHE OFBS Escalation process.
- https://admin.resources.osu.edu/workday/workday-for-core-users-payroll/payroll-accountingreport-definitions
- https://admin.resources.osu.edu/workday/workday-for-core-users-payroll/department-fiscalpayroll-processing-calendar-2022
- https://buckeyemailosu.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/sites/EHEFiscalTeam880/Shared%20Documents/HR%20and%20Payroll%20Reports/FY22?csf=1&web=1&e=s8Oo2X